Literary Chocolate

"If I could, I'd bathe in chocolate." ~Dove Dark Chocolate wrapper

My Photo
Location: Northeast, United States

Thirty-something, happily married with two cats.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A change

I've become bored lately. Bored with this blog. It doesn't have the features I would like to use. It's plain. It's unfocused. And I think I need a change. In the next week or so, I believe I will leave this site and create a blog through another free blog site which offers more features and fun stuff. I would also like a little more anonymity. Okay . . . go ahead - laugh! I know. . . no one really reads this blog, anyway. A few of my friends have this link. If they visit I don't know about it. Do I care? I guess I shouldn't.

I suppose by writing anonymously, I won't have a reason to hold back. I can focus on my writing, which I plan to pursue more adamantly in the new year. That will be the focus of my new blog - writing creatively.

So, thanks for those that read. I do appreciate it. See you out there in cyberspace as I lurk around your sites.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

To resolve or not to resolve?

I ponder this every year. Should I make a resolution? I know I'm not going to keep it. For example, last year I resolved to not stress so much. Hmph! I know that I've not kept that one! What a joke! I'm stressing about something right now that has caused me to have nightmares for the past few nights and spend this morning crying.

And it's not just about being embarrassed if others know I have not kept my resolution. I think it's personally shaming even if I'm the only one who knows I have broke my resolution. Its a sense of defeat and failure. I have to think - why bother?

I've had many resolutions in the past. . .
2004 - Get published. (Ha! Unfulfilled.)
2005 - Stop eating so much chocolate. (I eat more now than ever!)
2006 - Exercise more. (Right!)
2007 - Stop stressing so much. (Never skipped a beat in my ever increasing panic attacks.)
2008 - drumroll . . . . . . . . be more organized in all areas of living.

I think specifically of our basement. What a task! We stayed home New Years Eve just to get a jump on it. It actually looks worse now that we've moved a few things around. It's been an albatross in our lives since our third year of marriage. We just accumulated things - magazines that we (my husband) can't throw away, bird houses that the squirrels chewed up, old high school trophies that our parents finally decided they needed to get rid of, a myriad of Christmas ornaments and wedding favors all collected over eight years of marriage. It's driving me out of my mind!

So, that's it. We'll see, with all the changes the new year will bring, if I can keep '08's resolution.