Literary Chocolate

"If I could, I'd bathe in chocolate." ~Dove Dark Chocolate wrapper

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Location: Northeast, United States

Thirty-something, happily married with two cats.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The big move

Well, here we are! After waiting nine long months, my husband finally found the job he has been hoping for and I'm proud of him for not settling. We only moved one state away (in the NE), but it has been a great experience so far. Having some patience and not hurrying God's plan, has paid off. This is the place I know we are suppose to be. The house is better, the people are so nice and my husband and I are able to see each other and function as a married couple. With our previous lifestyle, that was hardly done.

I've enjoyed getting the house together, looking for furniture to fill rooms we didn't have before and just relaxing. I feel so much less stressed now that we are settled somewhere and neither of us is in a job we hate. Life is good. I have an interview next Monday for an interpreting job at the community college. I am a sign language interpeter.

In this new chapter of our lives, I would like to do some things differently.
1. Nuture our marriage more.
2. Relax more.
3. Make more trips to see family and friends.
4. Try my hand at writing. (We are currently shopping for a desk for me to set up "my little space.")

Change is good and while life won't be perfect, I think it can be better.