A change
I've become bored lately. Bored with this blog. It doesn't have the features I would like to use. It's plain. It's unfocused. And I think I need a change. In the next week or so, I believe I will leave this site and create a blog through another free blog site which offers more features and fun stuff. I would also like a little more anonymity. Okay . . . go ahead - laugh! I know. . . no one really reads this blog, anyway. A few of my friends have this link. If they visit I don't know about it. Do I care? I guess I shouldn't.
I suppose by writing anonymously, I won't have a reason to hold back. I can focus on my writing, which I plan to pursue more adamantly in the new year. That will be the focus of my new blog - writing creatively.
So, thanks for those that read. I do appreciate it. See you out there in cyberspace as I lurk around your sites.
I suppose by writing anonymously, I won't have a reason to hold back. I can focus on my writing, which I plan to pursue more adamantly in the new year. That will be the focus of my new blog - writing creatively.
So, thanks for those that read. I do appreciate it. See you out there in cyberspace as I lurk around your sites.
what? your leaving ?? but how will i find you??? i will miss you!! where will you go? what if you get lonely being all 'anonymous' and 'incognito'...?? hmmm? hmmmm!?? didn't think of that did you!? ;P...ok, ok....so you are off. off to greater and distant lands. but please...please do at least to take me along...k?
seriously. if your gonna leave me, can i come too?
(sorry..i am a bit hung over on nyquil and my head is a bit stuffy...allow me to be a little quirky tonight...ok?)
It will be fun to see your new blog you've created. :)
Good luck with you changes!
So... where did you end up? DM me on Twitter if you are trying to be incognito.
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