Literary Chocolate

"If I could, I'd bathe in chocolate." ~Dove Dark Chocolate wrapper

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Location: Northeast, United States

Thirty-something, happily married with two cats.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas day

It's four minutes before Christmas day. I just returned home from the 10pm church service, and I'm now watching A Christmas Story. As I sit here on our cat-clawed couch, I'm having a flash back. This movie conjures up specific Christmas memories for me. Maybe it's the oldness of it all, the worn carpet on the stairs, the bad gifts or Christmas shared with a sibling, but suddenly I'm 12 years old, watching Christmas lights from the back of a gold Oldsmobile. I'm asleep before we make it home, and I stumble out of the car and into blackness. The house smells like Christmas - pine tree, tape, wrapping paper and cookies.

My brother and I share a room - his room. I'm on the cot and he takes the bed. We talk for what seems like hours about what we might get the next morning, anticipating daybreak so we can jump out of bed and wake mom and dad.

I miss those days. I wish I could reminisce with my brother but he's not here anymore. He died at age 33 - same age I am now. Seems weird.

My prayers always include gratitude for my childhood, a brother whom I will always cherish, who provided memories I would not have otherwise had. And although he has been gone for almost three years now and life has moved on, I know that I will one day see him again because of Christmas day. Because of the baby Jesus who came to lived among us as fully God and fully man and gave His life for us at age 33 so that we can have eternal life.

I'll see my brother again. For that, I'm eternally grateful.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


One of my blog buddies - has recently reminded us all what's most important. That is, to love those around us by giving. To care for the widowed and orphans. While it's an excellent thing to give all year round, let's especially be reminded of this at Christmas. Instead of complaining about the Reindeer sweater we got from Aunt Nancy or the turkey dinner that's too dry to swallow, let's be thankful for our blessings and remember others. Choose an organization and give! What a wonderful thing to do!

My friend suggests World Vision ( My husband and I give to Compassion ( by supporting a little girl in Ethiopia. Honestly, it's one of the best, most important things I do in my life.

So, visit the above blog site or one of the many charity organizations and make a difference!

Thursday, December 06, 2007


My birthday was this week. Wednesday, Dec. 5th, to be exact. I'm now 33. I have this thing about birthdays. I'm always grumpy on my birthday, a little tense. Worried something bad will happen, that my day won't proceed in a perfect fashion. I've been like this since I was . . . well, since I was one! There's too much pressure!! It's my special day!!! What if it's not "special?"

When we were kids, I would get upset if my brother got more presents than me. (We shared a birthday week.) It didn't matter if my one gift cost ten times his five. I would throw a fit and pout in a corner.

When I got older, the fits just manifested themselves in different ways. I have a best friend - Ashley. She always calls me on my birthday. Has done this since we were 14. I think it was my 16th birthday when she called to say "Happy Birthday!!" I said, "Happy Birthday to you, too - I mean. . uhhhh." I was upset at myself for the rest of the day because I had stupidly said "Happy Birthday" back. And with that, my special day was ruined.

So, when I say that I'm just happy I didn't get a parking ticket or crash my car on my birthday, you'll understand why.