Literary Chocolate

"If I could, I'd bathe in chocolate." ~Dove Dark Chocolate wrapper

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Location: Northeast, United States

Thirty-something, happily married with two cats.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My job

Anyone out there just hate their job? I mean, I shouldn't complain. I should be happy to have one, but it's just not what I expected to do with my life for this long. I work in the school system with children that are just so frickin' frustrating! I can't stand some of them! I know, I know - how mean spirited is that?! Okay, to my credit, I do get along with them on most days. I'm not at their throats all the time. Anyway. . . my point being is that I'm ready for a change. This is obviously not where I fit. So, what did I expect to be in life? An attorney? A doctor? The counter girl at Clinique? Well, no - okay, maybe an attorney. I like how they have to look so professional, wear the short skirts, hair in a bun, high heals, be commanding. But, that was not my dream job, really. My dream job was to be a writer and a mom. I've always wanted to write adolescent literature while my kids napped. Now, I'm not sure how realistic that is, but I remember in college one time that an author came to our class and told us that is exactly how she got started. She wrote a novel during her kids' nap time. I would love that! Now, neither dream has come true, but I've not given up hope. *sigh* One day my thoughts will all come together and I'll be able to quit my job and write full time. Unfortunately, that is not possible at the moment and I'm too exhausted when I get home to do anything but cook dinner and make lunch for the next day. Until then, here I sit. . .blogging.


Blogger soralis said...

I am not to fond of my job either... but I have a plan! Now I just have to make it work.

Good luck with your writing and enjoy your blogging!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Take care

6:01 PM  
Blogger Michele Burley said...

Hi Samantha! What a nice surprise that you took the time to write! I had to laugh though--BOTH you and I are novices at this blogging stuff then! I've only been writing/posting for a little over a week! I've always loved to write (I have a problem with where I put quotation marks and punctuation so I'm told!)and this is quite fun. My friend (a principal) got me interested in this stuff; and I'm a curriculum director in a small school district in Michigan. I'll keep reading (I love chocolate! Ha! Ha!) Take care:)

6:34 PM  
Blogger Samantha said...

Hi, Michele. I was just going through some old comments and noticed you here. I never replied! Sorry. Don't know if you'll get this. I tried to click on your name to access your site, but it said something about it being access enabled or disabled or something. I dunno. Anyway, thanks for your comments. :)

7:03 AM  

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